Abené Clayton

After almost a year, Richmond’s Fair Housing Ordinance begins implementation
Summary: Richmond's city council members passed an ordinance that disallows landlords from denying housing to people with criminal records. The city manager says staffing changes held up the implementation process for almost a year. Some housing advocates say that during that time, people in dire straits may have been denied housing unjustly.

Residents Critical of Sims Metal Fire
Summary: In late January 2018, a fire broke out at metal scrapyard in Richmond. A blaze at the Chevron refinery 2012 was at the front of people's minds, and led to more scrutiny into industrial businesses that handle combustable materials. Communtity organizers and executives from Sims Metal facilitated a town hall to update the community, and listen to their questions and concerns.

Richmond’s ‘griot’ Donté Clark speaks out against law enforcement’s use of gang enhancements
Donté Clark is an actor, musician, for the past year, he’s also put his griot skills to use serving as an expert witness in criminal trials, where district attorneys pursue gang enhancements that can add years to a sentence.

Local high school activists implored Richmond's city council members to restrict the sale of flavored tobacco and alcohol throughout the city. The students argued that the concentration of cheap tobacco and alcohol is a threat to the health of the community.